Katie~ board books to add to your young readers bookshelves.

I wanted to share a few of the board books I have collected recently for my nephew’s bookcase.

The Stompysaurus Board Book by Rachel Bright.

I have to admit I’ve loved all the DinoFeelings series and the way they simplify overwhelming feelings into simple loveable stories. The lovable dinosaur illustrations by Chris Chatterton are at the heart of the story and they wonderfully show all the varied feelings every dinosaur can experience. I particularly love the illustrations on the page where Stompysaurus has frightened all his friends by stomping, roaring, and finally yelling, the illustrations show other dinosaurs being frightened and shocked by covering their ears from the noise. I think this board book just shows that everyone including dinosaurs have different feelings and everyone can get upset and stomp but in the end, it can all be fixed.

The Sing Along With Me series, my favourites from this series are: Incy Wincy Spider,  If You're Happy and You Know It, Polly Put the Kettle On and Five Little Speckled Frogs.

These are wonderfully fun board books and span a range of nursery rhymes, songs, and stories. They are interactive with moveable parts to pull and push but also come with a QR codes on the back for parents to scan so that the songs can be played aloud, this gives parents the opportunity to rest their singing voices.

Kew: Lift and Look Fruit and Vegetables

This is a wonderful little board book aimed at introducing little ones to wonders of the outdoors and where they can grow fruit and veg. The book uses flaps to reveal the veg that can be found in specific areas, for example in the garden you can find parsnips, potatoes, and carrots underground. My favourite page is the last where it makes reference to Kew with tropical fruit being found in the pretty greenhouse. The illustrations show a mixture of fruit and veg but also animals and people interacting with the fruit and veg. The board book is published by Bloomsbury in association with Kew Garden.