Jane- No More Stiff Birds

Not wishing to lead you astray but I'm about to authorise that some impulse thoughts shouldn't be ignored......When first I saw a little book called Yoga for Stiff Birds by Marion Deuchars I just had to buy it. Never thinking I'd 'get into Yoga' instead would simply enjoy the sheer fun of the illustrations and bird comments. Not so, having made that impulsive purchase this little book has become an important part of my day. I'm actually getting results too. Would even go as far as to say I'm no longer a Stiff Bird. Friends to whom I've given it have also enjoyed this amusing book of joy with a message. Simply love it, easy to follow for a beginner. A little fun in everyone's day.

Marion Deuchars is a Scottish born Illustrator. She's perhaps best known for her distinctive style of using her hand lettering alongside her illustrations. To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Royal Shakespeare Company she was invited to design six stamps for the Royal Mail. Now living in North London her work covers a wide scope from designs for the British Council to winning the V & A's Book Cover Award for her jacket design of the Penguin edition of Burmese Days by George Orwell. This Illustrator has a gift for conveying information in a most charming style. A richly talented person. Her children's books in particular should have a place on every family bookshelf. Her age range is from babies to we old birds who used to be stiff.......
