Jane discusses ~ Children's London - On Our Doorstep But So Far Away

“They're changing the guard at Buckingham Palace, Christopher Robin went down with Alice” ~ The first lines of a charming poem by A A Milne in his poetry book When We Were Very Young.

This made me think of the effect that Lockdown and the travel restrictions have had on young children. Many may never have experienced London nor know what the word embraces. Only twenty minutes away by train lie huge buildings, museums with exhibitions such as the V & A's Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser, the Thames with its boats and indeed Buckingham Palace. Unforgettable wonders, so near and yet so far...........

If we're hesitant to venture into this Great City, perhaps an introduction through books may sow the seeds for future adventures. With an understanding of place plus a visual insight into what London holds within its streets let's make plans through reading.

The books I've chosen generally bridge ages from one to eight with many familiar characters who visit London in their own idiosyncratic ways.

Jane Foster's London (a board book for the very young) - Introducing landmarks and sights of London.

Madeline in London by Ludwig Bemelmans - Children will like the pageantry of this story but at a safe, slow pace.

Maisy goes to London by Lucy Cousins - Maisy and friends' first trip to London. So much fun for a mouse to experience.

Charlie and Lola : We completely must go to London by Lauren Child - School trips for these two are always colourful!!!!

This is London by M Sasek - A pictorial tour of London through drawings depicting historical buildings, monuments and traditions.

Paddington by Michael Bond - Paddington Station being a main character this is a book about caring.

Parrots don't live in the City by Lucy Reynolds - Children discover Nature is everywhere even in a large City.

Mr Men in London by Roger Hargreaves - The Mr Men take you on a whirlwind tour of London. Will they get tangled in the Tube?

The Queen's Hat by Steve Antony - When the Queen loses her hat in a gust of wind the Queen's men begin a chase around London.

Peter Pan by Sir James Barrie - A charming classic above the roof tops of London. Magic, mischief and adventure when Peter and Tinkerbell lead the Darling children to Neverland. Never too young nor old to enjoy this story.

London Stories published by Everyman - Encompassing the literary tradition of this great City. One for older children and adults.

I hope these books inspire you to introduce your little ones to the wonderful City of London. So special and so close. Aren't we lucky.

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