Anthony Reviews: Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

‘Alright Alright Alright,’ those were the first words of Matthew McConaughey film acting career and from I gather from this book is what he is best known for. I also gathered that Matthew McConaughey is a brilliant storyteller, a thinker, a man of faith, self-belief and callings; a man who question life but still lives it anyway. The way he writes this book is like you could quite easily be sat around a campfire with him telling old stories, the fire light flicking in his eyes and he would capture your attention. A man where storytelling comes naturally to him. There is an honesty, self-analysing and unassuming outpour from this book. He doesn’t hold back but at the same time he keeps privacy where necessary and rightly so. No preaching just reflections of an American life well lived. Stuff works out and stuff doesn’t work out. He took big career chances and some pay off in the example of where he has got to today. Life affirming and positivity reaps through it. His clever mentality of how he uses a three tier lights system, red, amber and green (hence the name) to stay progressive and turn a negative into a positive. Most often everything that happens or what he goes through tends to end up with a greenlight. A pretty powerful mental attitude.

This book would the perfect present for a man or anybody in fact who particularly keen on biographies but also sits well in lifestyle and interesting ideas on how to cope with what life serves you.